Wham! And faster than it takes to say it, I was suddenly upside down cruising along at 500 miles an hour. Amazingly it felt completely normal. I was strapped in so tight and the view was so good that up-and-down didn't seem to make a difference. Although it does make you think when you have...
The Seattle International Film Festival (SIFF) is about to start up again. Thinking of that reminded me of the time when I was involved in the opening night of SIFF. I was asked to be one of the actors in a short film about a man who had seen way too many movies at and was slowly going crazy. He ends up being in a topsy-turvy world that is loosely based on the movie it’s a wonderful life. ”But in this alternate state the people he knows are are not doing anything close to what he expects.The film was shown on opening night several years ago. Among folks who play a role in the movie are Dale Chihuly, Howard Schultz, Tom Skerritt and me. At any rate, take a look and see how many people you can spot. Let’s just say in that world I’m no longer a weatherman. It’a about 20 mins. so maybe pop some popcorn.
Thanks to: Director/Producer Rick Stevenson who brought me into the project.
Credit: Charles-Henri Avelange for hosting the film.
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